Xmas is over. Now is the time to rock.

Xmas With Ozzy
Originally uploaded by V'ron
Ah yes. The weekend before New Year's Eve. I just don't go out on NYEve anymore. Maybe I'm getting old, but it's not worth the risk of driving with all the drunks on the road, the overpriced dinners and drinks, and the impossibility of finding a sitter. If I find a house party that will allow the kids, maybe we'll hit that.

The weekend before is a different story entirely. Friday night, there's two really good choices. At the BBC, you have Guido's Racecar at a show sponsored by Intense Ink Magazine, and there will be tattoo giveaways! Binky Tunny is on the bill too, along with three other bands. But I think I will probably end up at the Stonefly Brewery, not just to see two sixthstation favorites (Chief and the Buggs), but to check out a band called Revolush. Apparently they've been voted Best New Band or something like that in the Shepherd, and the first I'd heard of them was at a Paul Kneevers Compound Party where they handed me their CD (good power pop) and I decided I needed to see them live. So here's my chance.

Saturday is a tough call, too. The Five Card Studs are at Cali's in Brookfield, and if there's one place I really want to see the Studs, its there. It's a great little hotel lounge, just the perfect place for Cesar and Asti and Reno and the boys. Problem is, it's supposed to snow like a mofo, and I'm not in the mood to drive clear out past Highway A Hundred to see a band I could easily catch on a better day.

Plus, I have another chance of gettin' me some Deer Lick. You may remember they played out during the last snowstorm, and it wasn't the snow that kept me away, despite this little paragraph in their recent email:
It’s a Deerlick Do-Over! Listen up everybody. On December 15th, the evening of the Mighty ReinDeerlick's annual Xmas Xtravaganza, the snows came -- laying waste to our best laid plans that evening to rock as many of you as possible. Oh, we were there, and the hardy souls who braved the white death were indeed duly and vigorously rocked. But many of you were not. So we’re doing it all over again...just for you!

No, it wasn't that, guys. I told you, i had an advance screening of Alien Vs. Predator going on in my gut, and I was in no condition to make it to another club. And I regretted it. But this new show is perfect for New Years snobs like me who refer to those who do go out January 31 as "amateurs" and their email nails it. To wit:
What’s that, Mighty Deerlick?" you are no doubt asking. "Pseu-Year’s Eve?" That’s right! We’re going to pretend it’s New Year’s Eve, oh yeah! You know those people who don’t want to go out on the actual New Year’s Eve -- perhaps you are one yourself: "Oh, New Year’s Eve is amateur night. We’re just going to stay home that night and eat shrimp and watch Seacrest." Well, this is New Year’s Eve for you -- the Professional. We’ll (hopefully) have a food spread, a midnight champagne toast to celebrate the arrival of December 30th, amusing party favors, the whole shebang. All right then, we’re all good? See you there!

Indeed you will, gentlemen. At Club Garibaldi Saturday night. Seacrest Rusnak out.


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