Bucks: Keep on, Keep on, Keep On.......

Marcia Marcia Marcia!!!!!, originally uploaded by V'ron.

It was driving me nuts. The Energee girls are dancing around the court at the Bradley Center in these snappy outfits and it was driving me nuts: Where had I seen these outfits before? And then this bubblegum pop song started going in my head, "We're gonna keep on, keep on, keep on, keep on dancing all through the night." That was it! The Energee Girls raided the costume trunk at the Brady Bunch's rummage sale:

As for the game, if dressing up your cheerleaders in retro-70s costumes is what it takes, I'm all for it. I'm with The Bratwurst here -- I think Coach K has found his power 3, and it adds up to some good defense. Bogut is massively hustling these days -- you can see it in his face, and now that his hair is growing back in nicely, he looks like some ferocious marine sergeant coming atcha ready to steal that ball away. He's not letting anybody get away with questioning his defense skills. Also nice to see Gadzuric play a few minutes. I still think that guy's got some piss and vinegar in him, its just a matter of getting it out of him. Yi was having a hard time with his shots. He still shot plenty, but his misses were kind of embarrassing. Too many air balls. He makes up for it with plenty that go in, but it still seemed like he was having a tough night. And Charlie V -- again, I'm with the Bratwurst on this. I've always thought he was overlooked, and now I'm going to say he might emerge as one of the true stars of this team. Michael Redd? Hmmmm. I'm not sure if he was unremarkable last night or if I'm just taking him for granted. I was at the game with Miss Annie, a dear friend I spend precious little time with as it is, so admittedly we spent a bunch of time gossipping. (Yeah, boys, like you don't shoot the breeze about non-sports stuff when you're at the game with a buddy. So don't blame this on girl talk.)

Speaking of our girlfriends (and taking excellence for granted), anthem tonight by the Milwaukee Children's Choir, featuring our mutual friend Mary Jo's youngun, Francis. Actually, both Annie and I have known Francis since he was hours old, and we both were beaming as though we were HIS parents as we saw his earnest face up on the jumbotron, with his choir-mates, rendering the song in perfect tune. The arrangement was OK -- (would have like to hear more harmony), but the rendition was flawless. We had no clue Francis would be here tonight, so this was a treat. OK, I'm biased, but the Milwaukee Children's Choir is pretty darn good. I know that Mary Jo has to schlep Francis to rehearsal a LOT, so I can now assure her that (despite the fact that neither Annie nor I can be journalistically objective about this, as Francis is one of the the greatest young men ever -- my Sammy and his brother John of course being the others) the Choir is excellent. Knowing Francis, we expected nothing less.

Food report: the fish fry at the Bradley Center is pretty damn good for a mass produced fish fry. There have been a few food items I've been disappointed in (the pesto chicken panini was flavorless -- uh, when I get something called pesto chicken panini, I expect there to be PESTO in it!) but the Fish Fry is good. The batter is crisp, the fish is tender and flaky. Good job, Levy Restaurants.

So Annie has a new camera, and she's getting pretty good at slice of life photos. (Since she does not have a blog to maintain, she doesn't have to get her stuff uploaded timely, so you'll just have to wait.) One of our favorite subjects was this dude who sat by us and thought it would be cute to ride the stationery bike set up for players. Bad move, dude. The ushers were on him like a cheap suit, and issued him a warning, which I think he was a mite too proud of. He and his buddy were showing their warning off, (and compared it with the identical one issued to the guys sitting a few rows behindd us) and mugging for our cameras, while there was this big conference of ushers that looked like they were reviewin an NFL play, and before you know it, dude and his buddy were asked to leave the stadium. Thanks for high resolution photography, I read the text of the warning, and frankly, they'd been warned once and behaved afterwards. They were doing nothing wrong afterwards that warranted getting escorted out of the stadium. They did not use foul language, they did not argue with the ushers, and they didn't bother anybody. They very politely asked me to use their camera to take their picture. Sometimes I think people in these situations overreact.

On to the weekend. First, Friday is Gallery Night!
  • Some Flickr colleagues who belong to the Cream City Group will be showing their work at part of the Light Ideas Gallery, in the Third Ward at 207 E. Buffalo St. There will be a total of 10 photographers showing, the four whose work I'm familiar with (John December, Mr. Michael D, Hey Mando and Great Laker -- I'll get their real names when I see them tomorrow!) are reason enough to stop by. Each has a different style, but have stuff in their photostreams that pops out at you, even in thumbnails.

  • Jimmy Von Milwaukee's River Rat Gallery continues at the Palomino again, with "Anarchie: L'Amore Cowboi's and Indians." Some knob graffiti tagged one of Bob Watt's paintings from the last Palomino show with the Anarchy symbol -- and Watt's running with it as part of the art. So there! The Leo Feldman Gallery crew is always worth a look.

  • Remember the Borg Ward collective? They put out a call to "be assimilated" and as of last Saturday, plenty of artists admitted that resistance was futile. They're located in on National avenue in Walker's Point, (down the block from the Walker's Point Center for the Arts, which is always worth a stop), and, OK, OK, shamless plug, I've been assimilated and I'll have two pieces at the Borg Ward myself. But I looked around and even if my work wasn't there, I'd go anyway. These Borg Ward guys are fresh and so are many of the artists who will be displaying.
  • .
  • Musically? I've got personal plans Saturday night, and I'll be all arted out, so Friday I think I'll just pop into Marlavous' Karaoke at the Bavarian Inn. If you want to get all sweaty for the Pack on Sunday, there's always the Five Card Studs at the Ale House Saturday night.


Anonymous said…
The depth of your sickness frightens me. How in God's name did you make the connection between these cheerleaders and the Brady Bunch? A mind is a terrible thing.

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